Friday, September 13, 2013

Now you see it...

Now you don't!

Two weeks ago Workerman spent the day building a screen for our ugly, old AC unit and gas meter. With it in place, the garden looks so much nicer than before. <-- even the neighbors came over to see what he was building and to compliment him on his fine woodworking skills. The stain (mahogany?) matches the brick on the front and side of our house. It provides a beautiful backdrop for the azalea. *side note - I hope my azalea makes it through our winter; I'll be anxious to photograph the blossoms this spring. 

 The stain should mellow nicely, but still look posh when we get our edging in. Above you can see... we'll be using our favorite - Valders Stone... and probably some nice grey 16" square pavers through this space. I think the goal is to reseed with "nice" grass sometime down the road. This side of the house is Creeping Charlie central. 

He also made me a trellis for my (new) Sweet Autumn Clematis to climb. You can see it leaning up against the downspout. Planting there might have been a mistake (so close to lotsa' water in the spring) but I've heard you can't kill SAC... maybe I'll be the first person to do so. We'll see. :)

Happy Friday, Garden Friends!


** The AC screen is a good 5" from all sides of the unit and the trellis has chicken wire between the two uprights. 


  1. Pure awesome garden friend! That rocks! Can he make one for me?!?! Ha! I will be posting my side yard update and you will see my ac sticking out like a sore thumb! Love this...thanks for the inspiration!!! Have a great weekend!!

  2. Looks fantastic. That is a GREAT idea - I have a small patio and that AC unit is big and ugly. Maybe I can talk my hubby into something similar.

  3. Just so cute & cozy! Love all your flowers too!
