Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day - December 2012

One of the reasons I wanted to start a garden blog was to showcase all the pretty photos I took this summer. Obviously, not much is left to be desired in my 4b garden in December, so I thought I might share a photo of what was blooming inside.

 Is that OK? Am I going against the laws of GBBD?!

If I am, please accept my apologies and consider this - Sarah's Indoor Garden World Bloom Day ;)

This month I only have one measly photo. My Paperwhites finished blooming at the end of November... I've already shown you my Amaryllis, and Workerman's Scotch Moss isn't very exciting. So, let's settle on my orchid.

I've been growing (or trying to grow) orchids since I was 15 or 16 years old. My early infatuation with them left my parents' wallets a bit lighter every time my birthday (or the Botanical Garden Fair) came around. I can remember one special trip to Appleton - to an orchid farm/grower where I convinced my father to purchase an expensive plant for my collection. Of course the whole point of the trip was to get something... but I'm sure Dad didn't think he would be spending over $30 for a "stinking flower."  I'll never forget that orchid - Phalaenopsis Fortune Buddha. Of the several I had when I was a teenager, that one was most special. If I think hard enough ::: closes eyes ::: I can still remember the way it smelled. I've got a photo (like, real-photo photo) of it somewhere. I'll look for it.

This beauty kinda' reminds me of that Fortune Buddha... This is the second time it's bloomed in the last 7 months. It's not a $100 orchid - not even a $30 one, but it's a good one. She's actually from IKEA and she's been lovely to look at.

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful weekend!

*Thanks to Carol at May Dreams Gardens for hosting Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!


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Sarah Brackney is R&S Garden. A gardening fiend. She is no expert, she just gardens. Her gardens are her art. And yes, she has weeds in her garden; she just chooses not to show them to you. Thanks for visiting.