Photo Vault

One of my favorite things to do in the spring/summer is go to the Enchanted Garden (and the Butterfly House) at Como Park. The beauty of these little delights is hard to capture, but this photo has a pretty good variety. It was one of the few good photos I took last time Workerman and I visited the garden. Look closely or you may miss a few!

We have a lot of Dragon and Damsel Flies flitting around our garden, but one of my goals for 2013 is to create a "Butterfly Haven" in our north border.

What are your favorite plants that attract butterflies? 

Have a great (and warm) weekend!


  1. I've been thinking about doing that too, so please share any info you discover. I think I will plant some aesclepsia...that's a surefire butterfly magnet from what I hear.

  2. Hi Ricki,

    I planted some butterfly weed at the end of last season. It's quite beautiful and one of the only bright orange plants I have. I can't wait to see what it looks like this year. I'll do some research... stay tuned! :)

  3. Wow! Your photo is amazing! :)
    Anna B





Sarah Brackney is R&S Garden. A gardening fiend. She is no expert, she just gardens. Her gardens are her art. And yes, she has weeds in her garden; she just chooses not to show them to you. Thanks for visiting.