Tropical Thursday - Around the Globe

Since I missed Wordless Wednesday, I thought I'd do an equally lazy post (cheesily) entitled: Tropical Thursday.

Have I done this before? I think I have...


Bougainvillea in Peru
Gate in Panajachel, Guatemala

*The first photo was not taken in a jungle region (Amazon Basin) of Peru, but in a fertile river valley district located outside the capital city of Lima. Most of the Peruvian coastline is considered subtropical desert. Cieneguilla, where I took the photo, is one of a few districts that are not completely urbanized.

*Ahh... Panajachel, Guatemala. I love you. One of my favorite places on earth. 'Nuff said. 


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Sarah Brackney is R&S Garden. A gardening fiend. She is no expert, she just gardens. Her gardens are her art. And yes, she has weeds in her garden; she just chooses not to show them to you. Thanks for visiting.